In the past year, I've moved to a new place and met some awesome people. I've found solace at my favorite coffee shop with a good book, my journal, and good conversation. I've laughed so hard I've cried...many, many times. I've excelled at my job, in something that I never thought I would be doing. I liked, and I lost. I learned about myself and grew, even though sometimes it can feel like I'm right back to where I started. And the best that it's not over. There are more amazing things around the corner, just waiting.
Thankfulness. It's a wonderful thing.
I'm thankful for songs that you hear for the first time and immediately love. For lattes with hearts, and fun-looking mugs. For painting and wine. I'm thankful for friends who get it, and get me. For tiny hands and big hearts. I'm thankful for brownies, and pretty much anything chocolate. I'm thankful for the possibility of someone always surprising you. I'm thankful for butterflies in my stomach. For smiling for a reason only you know. I'm thankful for the grounded feeling of being home with family. I'm thankful for the peace and joy amidst the crazy that only God can bring. Among many other things. :)
Friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you ate all of the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and pie that you could muster. I hope you laughed a lot, whether you were with friends or family or going solo. And know that I am thankful for you today, and every day.
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