
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 10: Whatever You Please

Encouragement. I love this verse in Isaiah, because although sometimes I may feel rejected by everyone else, I am not rejected by God. In fact, not only am I not rejected, but there is a purpose for me here. And as long as I keep pursuing Him instead of trying to lead, everything else will follow.

I've realized that this past year and a half, I've been so caught up in myself. After graduating college you're forced to turn in on yourself and ask, "what do I actually want to do with my life?" Once you figure something out, or at least find something you could tolerate doing for a year or two, you try and compile all of the things that make you useful in the working world onto one sheet of paper called a resumé. And if you're like me with no internships or scholarships or honors, it's not much. You begin to think your worth is that piece of paper. (It's not). Another conundrum (word of the day!) that came with all of want experience, but the only way you'll get hired is with how do you get the experience?! It seems that it's just pure luck and connections, my friend.

So since graduation, I've been so caught up in trying to lead my own life: make things happen for myself, find what would make me happy for the rest of my life...and it's draining. In a society where if you're not happy and pursuing your dreams, you need to make yourself happy...that can be a heavy weight to carry. I have no CLUE what to do for the rest of my life. I have a job, and I'm blessed with that for sure, but it's not forever. Nothing is. So recently I'm learning to rest, and to follow. I had a friend that put it into a great perspective for me: Some people may have a dream job, and that's where they thrive...some people may have a dream group of friends, and that's where they thrive...some people have a dream church, and etc. Not everyone needs a dream job, I don't think. If you enjoy the people you're working with, and you enjoy the environment, and you like what you do most of the time, that just may be enough for now. Dream job or not, God still has a purpose for you in that.

Thanks for reading, friends. :)

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