
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 10: Whatever You Please

Encouragement. I love this verse in Isaiah, because although sometimes I may feel rejected by everyone else, I am not rejected by God. In fact, not only am I not rejected, but there is a purpose for me here. And as long as I keep pursuing Him instead of trying to lead, everything else will follow.

I've realized that this past year and a half, I've been so caught up in myself. After graduating college you're forced to turn in on yourself and ask, "what do I actually want to do with my life?" Once you figure something out, or at least find something you could tolerate doing for a year or two, you try and compile all of the things that make you useful in the working world onto one sheet of paper called a resumé. And if you're like me with no internships or scholarships or honors, it's not much. You begin to think your worth is that piece of paper. (It's not). Another conundrum (word of the day!) that came with all of want experience, but the only way you'll get hired is with how do you get the experience?! It seems that it's just pure luck and connections, my friend.

So since graduation, I've been so caught up in trying to lead my own life: make things happen for myself, find what would make me happy for the rest of my life...and it's draining. In a society where if you're not happy and pursuing your dreams, you need to make yourself happy...that can be a heavy weight to carry. I have no CLUE what to do for the rest of my life. I have a job, and I'm blessed with that for sure, but it's not forever. Nothing is. So recently I'm learning to rest, and to follow. I had a friend that put it into a great perspective for me: Some people may have a dream job, and that's where they thrive...some people may have a dream group of friends, and that's where they thrive...some people have a dream church, and etc. Not everyone needs a dream job, I don't think. If you enjoy the people you're working with, and you enjoy the environment, and you like what you do most of the time, that just may be enough for now. Dream job or not, God still has a purpose for you in that.

Thanks for reading, friends. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 9: From a Distance

I may or may not have been driving when I took this...not the brightest idea. But it made for a cool shot of the rain on the street, reflecting the lights. I promise I won't be slacking on these pictures's just been a crazy week.

Today consisted mainly of laundry...loads of fun. And THEN! I got to hang out with a good friend and grab dinner and drinks. And play pool. And watch people sing karaoke. All in all, a success. Happy weekend! :)

P.S. Every now and then I'll hear a word during the day that just seems to stick's word of the day: fathom.

Fathom: to penetrate to the truth of; comprehend; understand

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 8: Close-up

I think I may have managed to hit 40 tonight on the highway driving home. That is, the part of the highway that wasn't a detour. In a torrential downpour. I have to say...driving through rivers of water is pretty exhilarating. And by exhilarating I mean terrifying. Especially when bigger, more capable vehicles decide to speed past you and shower your car with a tidal wave. But, I made it home alive! So that's always a good end to the day.

Falling a little behind on this challenge, but that's ok. The first one I did I was super on top of posting every day. With this one, I'm a little more lax because I want it to be a picture I want to take...and not just something quick that I take just because it needs to get done before the end of the day. So there you have it. Is it really only Wednesday?! Eesh...hope you're all having a good week!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 7: Silhouette

The ache to utter and see in word. The silhouette of a brooding soul.
-Carl Sandburg

I can totally relate to this. I interpret it as the ache that comes when you want to write or speak, but words don't come. Or if they do, they aren't the right ones. This can happen in joy as well as pain.

This weekend was awesome; full of worship and community. There's just something amazing about being up in the mountains that soaks into my soul. I hope you all got a chance to enjoy the weather, the mountains, your friends, your family, your life. Goodnight :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Gone for the weekend!

Photo Challenge is postponed until Sunday or Monday :) Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 6: From a Low Angle

This, my friends, is a sweet Katydid of the leaf bug variety that my mom came upon in our front yard. She got really excited because her favorite thing of summer is the sound of the katydids...pretty cool. No, I'm not named after them in case you were wondering. I was reminded of how nice it is to take a ten minute break from your day and solely focus on appreciating the life around you...whether it be sitting on a bench at a park or standing at a tree in your front yard taking pictures of a bug. Yep, life is good.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 5: Whatever You Please

So there is this cute wine shop in an alleyway in Denver right off of 16th...and it's not too big, and not too expensive. Wine has definitely been an acquired taste for me. One time I went to a wine-tasting with one of my friends, and it was super interesting and a lot of fun. We learned that wine "testers" are called sommeliers (so-mall-ee-ays), and they are not allowed to have altoids because they kill your taste buds. And you know, they get paid for their taste buds. And that turkey goes really well with Gewurztraminer (ga-vertz-trah-mee-ner), which is basically a sweet white wine that in German means "spice grapes". Then I dropped a tiny wine glass trying to reach the cheese appetizers, and something along the lines of "someone needs to get cut off!" was said. Mortifying, but amusing.

Anyways, those are some fun facts you can throw around at your next work meeting, wedding, book club, or social outing when things get awkwardly're welcome. Haha :)

Night all!

Day 4: From a High Angle

My nephew is one of the most adorable little boys I know...besides my other nephew. :) I just love being an aunt. Here he is staring at "Meow", aka Gypsy, the cat that lives next door and likes to hang out on our front porch. I'm personally not a huge fan of cats, but it's fun to watch him enjoy her.

Anyways. Tonight I got to hang out with 4 friends that I was describing yesterday...being with them is as natural as breathing. Or laughing, really. They remind me that God is so good, life is good, that I can still make people laugh :). We closed down Starbucks...hence the late night post.

Starting up this blog and making it a little more public has been interesting...I mean, I do this because I love it. And I'll keep doing it for as long as I keep loving I hope whoever reads this blog (mom), can find enjoyment in it! That's all.

Goodnight! :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 3: Your Favorite Place To Be

This picture encompasses a lot of things. One, I love coffee shops. When I was working retail hours, one of my favorite things to do was come to the Starbucks by my house armed with a journal, pen, and a book. I could sit there for hours...and mostly did. Two, I love just hanging out with good friends. You know, the friends that constantly remind you why you chose to be friends in the first place. One of my favorite feelings is time well feels like just the thing you needed, like a hoodie on a cool, fall day...or it feels like complete joy and thankfulness for your life and the people in it...or both. I just love it, and I hope you have had the pleasure of experiencing it. Three, my favorite place to BE, to just be who I am, is around those friends. Where you can just relax into yourself, and don't have to stress about expectations because everything just comes naturally. That, my friends, is my favorite place to be.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 2: What You Wore Today

Trying to wear all of my dresses before the cold weather swoops in. Wearing them with pants underneath is just not the same! But, still excited for the colder weather. Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, haunted houses, Halloween parties, leaves changing, apple cider, hot chocolate, sweats and hoodies all equal why I love fall. Plus more, but those are the main things I'm excited for. 

Photo challenge: so far, so good...tomorrow is a photo of your favorite place to be! Still trying to figure out what to do for that one...hope you're all well :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 1: Self.

Washing my face and staring into the dirty mirror last night, I realized that this was me. And sometimes, when I'm scrubbing my face with my hands, I wish I could wash myself of all the awkward, all of the mediocre, all of the crap of the day/week/life. If only it worked like that. Because all of that crap, that's not me...and yet sometimes I'm fooled into thinking that all of those things are the sum of what I am. Sometimes people don't give me the chance to be more than that. Sometimes I don't give myself a chance to be more than that. But all I have to say is, I am more than that.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

and again... THINK I'm going to do another photography challenge. Except, it will be like my first challenge but with new pictures. I really want to get back into it, so hopefully this won't be in vain.