
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 29: Black & White

I think wood burning is one of my new favorite hobbies. Thanks Michael :)

On the top of the jewelry box I have "You make beautiful things out of the dust...", and I drew some other stuff on the sides. Now I think I might be addicted. I had to stop myself from adding other useless doodles all over it. Haha. Originally I had another picture of the box with my face in the mirror, but I figured that since tomorrow's picture is a self-portrait, that might be overdoing it. But it looked pretty cool, if I do say so myself... :)

The lyrics are from this song called "Beautiful Things" by Gungor, which always makes me happy when I listen to it. If you haven't heard it, take a listen!

Also, I can't believe the challenge is over tomorrow! It's been fun thinking in pictures. I'm going to start another one for sure, but I think I might take a week break so I don't get burned out. I don't know how many people actually read this blog that I've given the address too, but I really appreciate you guys taking this photo blog journey with me and giving me support and encouragement. :) It means a lot!! I hope you all have a wonderful day.



  2. oh hey! I figured it probably had a name! That's interesting. I never knew that "xylo" referred to "wood". Guess you learn something new everyday :)
